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Young Adult Dinner A Winner

Nov 4, 2014

The night was officially a hit. What came as an idea in 2010, the dream was realiesed on Saturday night when 90 young adults came along to the inaugural Diocese of Broken Bay Young Adults Dinner.


The organisers of the event were hoping to get 60 people but were happy that 90 booked their spot. It was held at The Epping Club. Soul had 6 participants who all had fun and are keen for the next one next year.


Simon Hyland impressed with a performance, so too did Keiron Conroy. We are proud of them and thank them for entertaining us. The food was great and all look forward to the next young adult social night! Attendees came from all over the diocese which was good to see and has further bonded the young adults of the diocese.


Some were catching up, having not see each other since WYD RIo and ACYF Melbourne last year.


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